Discover the foods that fight mouth infection. Some of these foods may be in your kitchen right now. If you’re suffering from gum infection, thrust, ulcers, or other painful mouth conditions, you may want to try some of these powerful foods.

Of course, when possible, try to choose organic varieties of the foods below … to avoid unwanted chemicals that increase the risk of inflammation and infection.

10 Foods That Fight Mouth Infection

  1. Yogurt
  2. Raisins
  3. Blackberries
  4. Cinnamon
  5. Turmeric
  6. Green Tea
  7. Shiitake Mushroom
  8. Manuka Honey
  9. Lemon
  10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Mouth infections can occur at any time, so it’s good to have a few home remedies on hand when needed. Adding these powerful foods to your diet can help you fight mouth infection and prevent it from happening in the first place.

How do foods fight mouth infection?

Several different circumstances cause mouth infections. Most often, a virus or bacteria is to blame. Common mouth infections include gingivitis, thrush, canker sores, and periodontal disease.

Some foods that fight mouth infection do so thanks to healing properties that occur naturally. These superfoods have anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and antiviral properties that treat mouth infection and support good oral health.

You can easily incorporate the below foods into your daily diet. Some of the foods you may already be eating. And some of the foods may be found in supplement form as an added way to reap their healing benefits.

10 Foods That Fight Mouth Infection

If you’re looking for a natural way to fight mouth infection or simply hoping to maintain good oral health, consider adding these foods to your daily diet.

1. Yogurt

You’ve probably heard that the probiotics in yogurt are essential for maintaining a healthy gut. But did you know that all that “good bacteria” in yogurt can also ward off and help treat mouth infection? Researchers have found that eating yogurt just once a week can reduce the risk of gum disease by 18 percent.

Yogurt’s healthy bacteria make this one of the foods that fight mouth infection and keep any unhealthy bacteria in check, which leads to a balanced oral environment. Too much harmful bacteria leads to mouth infections such as gingivitis, thrush, or tooth abbesses.

If you want to add yogurt to your diet to increase oral health, select the right kind. Choose Greek yogurt over blended varieties. Greek yogurt has more probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose. Also, steer clear of added sugar which can stimulate harmful bacteria growth.

2. Raisins

According to a study conducted by the USA Department of Food and Nutrition, raisins provide a great defense against oral bacteria. Raisins are full of phytochemicals that kill bacteria that cause mouth infections. These powerful phytochemicals also prevent bacteria from clinging to teeth and gum surfaces, where they usually cause decay and disease.

The best kind of raisins to add to your diet are unsweetened raisins and the best time of day to eat them is at breakfast. Enjoy them in your cereal, oatmeal, or yogurt to prevent bacteria attachment throughout the day.

Foods that fight mouth infection blackberries

3. Blackberries

Blackberries are the super berries on the list of foods that fight mouth infection. These powerhouse berries contain gallic acid, rutin, and ellagic acid, which have both antiviral and antibiotic properties. Blackberry extract has successfully treated oral bacteria and inflammation and is beginning to appear as an additive to periodontal treatment products.

Thanks to the berry’s versatility, adding blackberries to your diet is simple. Try them in smoothies, yogurt, or cereal in the morning. Enjoy them throughout the day in salads, main dishes, and desserts.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a delicious and healthy spice with powerful qualities for overall health. Cinnamon’s anti-microbial properties fight oral pathogens that lead to periodontal disease in the mouth. Cinnamon extract is also effective in treating endodontics and candidiasis. Studies show that cinnamon is more effective in killing bacteria than other popular agents such as spearmint, peppermint, lemongrass, cedarwood, or clove.

You can use cinnamon in many ways to fight mouth infections. The spice can be added to just about any type of food. Try adding it to hot tea for a soothing effect. Cinnamon is also commonly found in natural oral hygiene products. banner

5. Turmeric

Another powerful spice that supports good oral health and overall health is turmeric. Turmeric belongs to the ginger plant family and gives curry its yellow color. Originating in Southeast Asia, turmeric has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, and antimutagenic qualities. It’s clear to see why turmeric is widely used in natural healing.

Turmeric can help with inflammation, cavity prevention, root canal infection, mouth ulcers, and mouth lesions. To access turmeric’s healing benefits, try rinsing with turmeric powder or massaging it directly onto gums, teeth, or any painful oral spots.

6. Green Tea

Green tea originated in China but can now be found worldwide as a popular favorite beverage for many. Although it comes from the same plant as black and oolong tea, green tea leaves do not undergo the same oxidation process. Green tea has gained popularity in the U.S. for its high antioxidant content and low caffeine levels.

The healing qualities of green tea come from its active compounds called catechins, a group of polyphenols. Catechin inhibits the growth of periodontal pathogens, which lead to gum disease. Green tea has also been effective in treating halitosis, or chronic bad breath, due to its anti-microbial properties.

You’ll want to hold the sugar when preparing your hot or iced green tea. Not only does sugar contribute to oral bacteria growth, but adding it cancels out the beneficial healing properties of green tea.

7. Shiitake Mushroom

Shiitake mushrooms get their bacteria-fighting power from Lentinan, a polysaccharide only found in this unique mushroom. Lentinan kills harmful oral bacteria that cause gum disease while protecting any good bacteria present in the mouth. Lentinan also destroys plaque-building bacteria.

8. Manuka Honey

Honey is well-known in the homeopathic community for its ability to help heal wounds, soothe sore throats, and fight mouth infections. Manuka honey, in particular, has been touted as the best honey for oral health. It contains higher levels of methylglyoxal (MGO) which kills microbes, bacteria, and fungus.

When buying manuka honey, select one high in MGO. The more MGO, the more healing qualities the honey contains. You can use manuka honey just as any other honey; however, traditional honey is much sweeter.

Foods that fight mouth infection

9. Lemon

There are differing opinions on whether lemons are one of the foods that fight mouth infection. On the one hand, lemon juice contains anti-microbial compounds that are highly effective in treating infection. Lemons also balance the pH in your mouth to maintain a stable environment for overall oral health.

The downside of lemon juice is that it is highly acidic, which causes tooth enamel to erode. The tendency to add sugar to lemon juice to make it more palatable increases the risk of enamel erosion even more. To counteract the potentially harmful effects of lemon juice, try gargling with lemon water and rinsing with pure water afterward. Drinking warm lemon water is another way to gain lemon’s benefits while diluting the acidic effect.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) fights mouth infections because it is a natural antiseptic. The cloudy sediment you see at the bottom of the bottle is powerful probiotics. This sediment is cellulose, the most nutritious part of the vinegar and is often referred to as the mother.  

There are many ways to use apple cider vinegar to treat oral infections. Apply directly to painful areas in the mouth using a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar. Another method is gargling a mixture of ½ cup vinegar and 1 cup water. You can even make apple cider vinegar tea with 1 cup of hot water and 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar. Use a little honey if you need a sweetener instead of sugar.


Now you know the foods that fight mouth infection and promote good oral health. Many of these foods may already be in your kitchen and are popular favorites among American consumers. By adding more foods that create good oral health, you may be able to prevent mouth infections and improve your overall physical health.

When you are searching for foods that fight mouth infection, try to select foods high in antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory qualities. Other foods that help fight mouth infection are onions, garlic, cranberries, and mint. There seems to be a never-ending supply of healing foods in nature’s garden!

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